The Secret Doctrine of Wealth by Alexander Lux

The Secret Doctrine of Wealth Book Cover

The Secret Doctrine of Wealth: Discover Timeless Principles to Reshape Your Financial Destiny by Alexander Lux

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s a helpful read.


1. The book cover is noticeable.
2. The book’s title is excellent.
3. It’s novella length.
4. It’s edited.
5. I learned a lot.
6. I highlighted many sentences, even whole pages’ worth of information.
7. I took notes and applied some exercises in this book.
8. Positive reinforcement helped me learn and understand doctrines.
9. Alexander Lux created a fabulous conclusion for this book.
10. This book helped me realize some of my weaknesses and offered solutions to the problem.


1. Some of the information was repetitive.
2. This book would have been better if it had been shorter.

I highly recommend this finance book. It’s easily one of the best I’ve ever read.

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