
Enhance your reading experience with artist renderings of your favorite characters and some unique settings from The Griffin Knight book series and other books by Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr. Illustrations include Griffin Knight, Skylar Ashe, Noah Jackson, Sapphire Rushland, Isabella Relish, Lorenzo Guerra, Winston Schecter, Zoe Ragsdill, and Hugo Mason. Artwork also includes settings such as the Horror Laboratory from The Windy City Terror.
Griffin Knight wearing Smart Goggles
Skylar Ashe
Noah Jackson
Sapphire Rushland
Isabella Relish
Lorenzo Guerra
Alix Kroft
Hamilton Southwark
Oden Leichtenberg
Melanie Chips
Manuela Escarra
Winston Schecter
Zoe Ragsdill
Hugo Mason
Ryōsuke Ebina
Griffin in Miami
Skyler Ashe on her Laptop
Officer Hector Ruiz V
Officer Elena Torres
The above illustrations created by graphic artist temp0rarii.
Oden’s Lair – The Nocturnal Devil
Horror Laboratory – The Windy City Terror
The above illustrations created by graphic artist Carlos L.
Autumn Benedict
Anastasia Ambrosia
Morrigan Butcher
Patricia Willow
Joanne Tyson
The above illustrations created by graphic artist temp0rarii.
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